Thursday, February 28, 2008

my interweb is fixed! new piece...

this piece i made when i saw calvin johnson play at lumpen's co-prosperity know i like that name for a doesn't have the words deer, crystal, war, horse, unicorn, forest, etc in it! clunky and earnest is the new cool (to me).

calvin johnson, leader of K records ( frontman of the band 'beat happening' has a quiet legacy behind him that is well deserved. watching him perform solo is simultaneously awkward and enamoring. a steely presence, totally deadpan, and not afraid to just stare at you with not much else going on at times. i asked him after he finished playing if i could make a picture. then i asked him if he wouldn't mind moving in front of the white wall. then i asked him, "would you just, sing to the camera, for like 20 seconds or so?"

he did without missing a beat.

this is one of 3 shots. the text (is it readable on your screen?) says:
'Calvin Johnson singing to me'.

16x20" 2008

...thanks calvin!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Super Duper Tuesday (February 5th, 2008)


i was chosen with 2 other artists and a curator to participate in a residency at das weisse haus. i will be living in vienna, austria for all of july and august.

it was a recommended program from anne lass who studied here last year as an emigre from Deutschland!

free apt, free travel expenses, free studio, no stipend...will have to figure out a way to make up for the 2 months of not shooting weddings that usually occupy my summers! but i am happy to have this problem. maybe a print sale in may???

one of the best things about this residency is that i'll get to see michael gumhold and esther stocker, two friends i met who each lived in chicago for 6 months during the past few years.

i'll probably be blogging a lot when i am over there as a way to keep a diary.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

adi nes tonight

i am teaching tonight but if i weren't :

Adi Ness - Lecture
February 6, 2008
6:00 p.m.
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Columbus Auditorium
280 South Columbus Drive
FREE and open to the public.

i think another one featuring walead beshty is coming up as well!

gettin ready

my solo show opens on march 7th at bucket rider gallery...the exhibition is entitled "This is gonna take one more night". here is a print being spit out at blackpoint editions...this one is 59x72"! nate baker is truly fun to work with and he's fed me homemade lasagna twice so far!

on another note congrats to greg stimac who has a show coming up in a couple weeks at the walker art museum. there is a small crew accompanying him up north and a number of other friends who disappointedly can't make it - myself included. glad i bought a lot of stimacs already! also, check out his videos at the new MOCP show at columbia college...really smart and above the fray of most video work.

ps: i've been totally sick recently with a downed internet connection--a lethal combination!