Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
nirvana entry

over a love of Mudhoney. He was always taking photographs of nude women, then gridding them out into these fleshy abstract kaleidoscope prints. I remember him being like, "Hey, have you heard Nirvana? Awesome." He first played me Bleach when we were high.
i just edited a few pictures out of the series so it feels a bit tighter on the website. still need a number of 'winners'. i like the above, maybe the text is a bit long...
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
wright commission
i was commissioned by wright auction house in chicago to make some images--the result will be a 16 page color catalogue of images i made and some writing, to be bundled with their october auction catalog. the folks there were great in every way, especially for letting me move their amazing art around to photograph (and even more especially for moving the 15 foot jenny holzer piece, thank you!). below are the images and titles:
Wallspace where an Ed Ruscha hangs (the post-it note reads, 'Borrowed your Ruscha -JLL')
Self portrait in Curtis Jere infinity mirror (partially functioning)
Laying behind my favorite Marilyn image (Marilyn as Mao)
Leaning (Jasper Johns, 1974 and Josph Beuys, 1957)
Donald Judd Stack Construction (from Wright Auction House Catalogs)
Wrapped (a Jasper Johns in the American flag)
Jenny Holzer, Over and Over Again
Assemblage of Alexander Calder Writing (through which I discovered my favorite Calder of all time, "The Lace on the Edge of Your Panties" from 1947)
Looking at the back of an Ad Reinhardt

Thursday, August 09, 2007